Energy Audits
Energy auditing is the study of a building's energy consumption and operational statistics to find opportunities for energy savings. Energy audits are broken into three levels by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers), classified by breadth and depth of examination and analysis.
- Level I – Walk-Through Analysis: Examination of utility bills and walk-through assessment of facility. Energy survey identifies low-cost/no-cost measures for improving energy performance. Analysis also includes a listing of potential capital improvements meriting further investigation.
- Level II – Energy Survey and Analysis: A more thorough investigation of building energy consumption is performed. Analysis provides breakdown of energy consumption in building. Cost/benefit analysis of all energy efficiency measures (EEMs) is provided. Potential capital-intensive improvements are also provided for further consideration
- Level III – detailed Analysis and Capital-Intensive Modifications: The most thorough energy audits are typically performed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of specific capital-intensive improvements as recommended in a Level II audit. Here is used a comprehensive life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) as a decision-making tool.
We provide investigation and analysis of facilities to determine current energy efficiency of a building and identify potential improvements, at the level required by client. Our knowledge of design, construction and operation of the building systems enables us to recognize the cause of problems, identify contributing factors and provide sound, permanent solutions to increase building efficiency.